Tuesday, 15 July 2014

Climate Justice and the Right to Health – A Special Issue*

health and human right journal

Volume 16, Issue 1

Climate Justice and the Right to Health – A Special Issue*

smoke stacks
The Great Procrastination

Jay Lemery, Carmel Williams, and Paul Farmer
Mary Robinson, President of the Mary Robinson Foundation-Climate Justice
Advancing Climate Justice and the Right to Health Through Procedural Rights
Abstract | HTML | PDF

Margaux J. Hall 
Climate Change, Children’s Rights, and the Pursuit of Intergenerational Climate Justice
Abstract | HTML | PDF

Elizabeth D. Gibbons 
Collective Violence Caused by Climate Change and How It Threatens Health and Human Rights
Abstract | HTML | PDF
Barry S. Levy and Victor W. Sidel
Prioritizing Health: A Human Rights Analysis of Disaster, Vulnerability, and Urbanization in New Orleans and Port-au-Prince
Abstract | HTML | PDF
Jean Carmalt
Climate Change and the Right to Health for Māori in Aotearoa/New Zealand
Abstract | HTML | PDF

Rhys Jones, Hayley Bennett, Gay Keating, and Alison Blaiklock
Rising Oceans, Climate Change, Food Aid, and Human Rights in the Marshall Islands
Abstract | HTML | PDF

Ingrid Ahlgren, Seiji Yamada, and Allen Wong
Wrong Side of the Tracks: The Neglected Human Costs of Transporting Oil and Gas
Abstract | HTML |PDF

Lloyd Burton and Paul Stretesky
Social Justice, Climate Change, and Dengue
Abstract | HTML | PDF

Aileen Y. Chang, Douglas O. Fuller, Olveen Carrasquillo, and John C. Beier
Chikungunya, Climate Change, and Human Rights
Abstract | HTML | PDF

Braden Meason and Ryan Paterson
Emerging Roles of Health Care Providers to Mitigate Climate Change Impacts: A Perspective from East Harlem, New York
Abstract | HTML | PDF

Perry E. Sheffield, Kathleen T. Durante, Elena Rahona, and Christina Zarcadoolas 

General Health and Human Rights Articles

The Impact of Reliance on Private Sector Health Services on the Right to Health
Abstract | HTML | PDF

Audrey R. Chapman
Human Rights and the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis, and Malaria
Abstract | HTML | PDF

Sara L.M. Davis
Using a Reporting System to Protect the Human Rights of People Living with HIV and Key Populations: A Conceptual Framework
Abstract | HTML | PDF

R. Taylor Williamson, Peter Wondergem, and Richard N. Amenyah
Data-Driven Human Rights: Using the Electronic Health Record to Promote Human Rights in Jail
Abstract HTML | PDF

Sarah Glowa-Kollisch, Kelly Andrade, Richard Stazesky, Paul Teixeira, Fatos Kaba, 
Ross Macdonald, Zachary Rosner, Daniel Selling, Amanda Parsons, and Homer Venters
Women, E-waste, and Technological Solutions to Climate Change
Abstract | HTML | PDF

Lucy McAllister, Amanda Magee, and Benjamin Hale
Increased Depressive Symptoms among Arab Bedouin Women Under Threat of House Demolition in Southern Israel
Abstract | HTML | PDF

Nihaya Daoud and Yousef Jabareen

*This special issue on climate justice and the right to health was co-edited by Jay Lemery, president of the Wilderness Medical Society. The publishers of Health and Human Rightsthank the Wilderness Medical Society for their support of this issue.

Photo: Graeme Maclean. Image used with permission from the photographer under Creative Commons license 2.0

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